Monday, April 24, 2023

Abraham's Generosity

 The generous will themselves be blessed - Proverbs 22:9.

                   There was a strife between the herders of Abraham and his nephew Lot and so they planned to separate. Abraham let Lot to make the choice and that displayed his generosity. Is not the whole land before you? Please separate from me. If you take the left, then I will go to the right; or, if you go to the right, then I will go to the left.  And Lot lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere (before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah) like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt as you go toward Zoar. Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east. And they separated from each other - Genesis 13:9-11.

            God promised Abraham that He will give to him and his descendants forever all the land he sees, after Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan and separated from him. And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are - northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever. And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if a man could number the dust of the earth, then your descendants also could be numbered. Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you” - Genesis 13:14-17. Now Abraham was old, well advanced in age; and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things - Genesis 24:1.

               Lot had to run to escape for his life from the land he had chosen and he had lost his wife there. So it came to pass, when they had brought them outside, that he said, “Escape for your life! Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed.” - Genesis 19:17. Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens. So He overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground. But his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt - Genesis 19:24-26.


PRAYER: Dear Lord, Let us seek Your kingdom first and set our minds on things above and not in the worldly things. Help us to be generous. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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